Year Calendar Shop - Individual never-ending Perpetual Wall Calendars - ‘This Day in History’
Buy a colourful A1 perpetual calendar for your home or office wall - each day has an interesting illustrated titbit of information about 365 days in history.
The Tinstar perpetual year calendar is A1 size (594 x 841mm) and printed on 170gsm paper with a robust, gloss laminated surface. This is a perpetual calendar, which means that it excludes days of the week and includes Feb 29th - so you can use it year after year, indefinitely. UK public holidays and notable dates are listed down the side along with space for write-on / wipe-off notes.
Each year calendar comes in a cardboard tube, complete with a pen and sticker kit, which includes a 'Today' removable vinyl tab and several sheets of different coloured stickers for planners of varying shapes which can be stuck onto the year planners and assist in colour / shape-coordinating events or holidays. Also included in the kit is a write-on / wipe-off planner pen, ideal for the planner surface.
Check out our Twitter feed to find the individual illustrations, all tweeted in 2017.